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What are Bitcoin wallets and how they work (in simple terms)
Bitcoin wallet (btc wallet) is a software for storing bitcoin cryptocurrency. One of the most famous Bitcoin and blockchain experts, Andreas Antonopoulos, said that "A cryptocurrency wallet is the interface between the user and the blockchain." In other words, wallets act as a software shell and allow transactions to be transmitted to the blockchain network.
Physically, bitcoin does not exist and is not stored anywhere. It is only displayed as a balance at the corresponding addresses, access to which users get using private keys. This means that losing your wallet file will not result in loss of funds as long as you still own the private keys.
A private key is a secret sequence of characters associated with the corresponding bitcoin address and allows you to spend coins from your wallet. Using the key, users can restore access to the cryptocurrency in another program and on different devices, but its loss can lead to the loss of bitcoins.
Bitcoin wallet official
To store bitcoins and spend them, you need a official bitcoin wallet. Strictly speaking, the bitcoins themselves are not stored anywhere, and the wallet's task is to store digital keys that provide access to the bitcoin address and the ability to sign transactions. Remember that operations with cryptocurrencies cannot be undone, therefore, if you plan to deal with electronic coins, you need to have a secure create bitcoin wallet.
This is a simple and reliable bitcoin wallet (easiest to use, newbie friendly). A centralized service is not required for transactions. Many convenient functions: payment by QR code, displaying the balance immediately in the selected real currency, saving used addresses.
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